
What’s the difference between a life coach and a therapist?

A life coach is a professional who works with people to help them overcome personal challenges and other life events such as finding one’s purpose, changing careers, or developing processes for organization. Life coaching is a flexible discipline and offers a range of support with each coach specializing in their own discipline. When referring to a therapist, it usually implies a licensed psychotherapist who also works with people to help them overcome personal challenges and is trained to help with psychological problems.

What kind of life coach are you? Do you have a specialty?

I specialize in helping people navigate grief and loss, as well as transitions and challenges through collaborative, reflective, and realistic counseling sessions. I will sometimes take on more “traditional” life coaching clients and offer support with organization or career changes, for example. My goal is to help each client thrive on their path, regardless of what it is.

What can I expect from our sessions?

The sessions are structured so that we take the first few minutes to get grounded with a short breathing exercise. Afterward, you will be given the opportunity to share how things have been going with you. I will interject as needed to ask questions or reflect back to you what I’ve heard which may lead us to engage in conversation. I will use what you share with me to help you navigate your own path and find the answers for yourself. If we’ve agreed to have homework in advance, I will suggest a reflective assignment to help us in our sessions. 

Are our sessions confidential?

Absolutely. If we already know each other outside of our sessions, rest assured that I will not bring up the material discussed in our sessions outside of them. Keep in mind that sessions and information provided are confidential up to the limits of what the law allows. If you have questions about the legal limits of confidentiality, I’d be happy to discuss it with you.

I really want someone to tell me what to do, do you give advice?

I may share my perspective but I will not give advice. I prefer to ask you questions so that you comfortably and confidently come to your own conclusions. You and I are not the same people and giving you advice would diminish your sense of agency. I respect who you are and what you’re capable of.

I didn’t connect with my last therapist, how will I know if this is right for me?

I hope that you find it easy to open up and engage with me but if for any reason our session doesn’t feel quite right, I will always encourage you to continue looking for the perfect fit. You will not hurt my feelings by choosing to work with someone else. I will always champion for your well-being.

I felt judged by the last professional I saw regularly. how will i know it will be different this time?

I’m sorry that this happened to you. This is a judgement-free zone. I endeavor to never pass judgement or compromise the safety of our sessions by creating tension of this nature. It’s really important to me that I create a space that feels emotionally safe and I do my best to check any biases I may have.

Are you just going to listen to me talk the whole time?

While I prefer that you do the majority of sharing, I will engage and reflect back to you my observations and ask you questions designed help you navigate your own thought process and journey.

Do you practice hypnotherapy?

No but I can refer you to other professionals who do.

I’ve been crying easily lately and i feel self-conscious crying around strangers.

There is no judgment here, crying can be incredibly cathartic. That said, you will always be welcome to take a private break if that is what you need at that moment. 

Sometimes I don’t like to share what I’m really thinking. Will this affect our process?

Possibly. I would encourage you to let me know when you’re uncomfortable sharing something so that we can pause on that topic until further notice. In the meantime, we can discuss other matters and keep our sessions moving in the right direction. In other words, I’d prefer to know that a topic is off the table rather than having you hide how you feel from me and have that affect how we work together. It’s natural to have boundaries and I would like to support you in upholding them.

Are you going to ask me about my childhood?

Only if it feels really pertinent. I prefer to focus on the present but sometimes talking about the past provides an additional level of clarity. 

My lifestyle choices are atypical. Will talking about them make us uncomfortable?

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 40 years means I’ve been exposed to alternative lifestyle choices, polyamory variables, gender fluidity, and spiritual practices that fall outside of what society considers tot be the norm. I don’t expect to ever be uncomfortable around atypical topics. I also work with individuals who are deeply committed to their faith. I have the utmost respect for what each individual believes in.

Should I be worried about what we talk about? Do you have to report anything I say?

I will only ever report or release information shared in our sessions if I believe you are a harm to yourself or someone else, or unless subpoenaed by law. In either case, you will be notified. In other words, unless it is of a dangerous nature I will not disclose anything discussed in our sessions. 

The last time I saw a professional, they spent the entire hour doing intake and we didn’t talk about anything.

will this be the same?

There are a few simple forms to fill out which will only take a couple minutes. You can fill out on your own time. So no, our intake will be less formal and more conversational. We’ll review the process and decide together what we’d like it to look like. We can get started immediately!


What type of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, check, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, credit cards, and Square.

Is this covered by insurance?

Since it is not likely to be covered by any type of insurance, I’m not set up to accept it.

Can I use my HSA?

I would encourage you to check with your provider.

Do you offer discounts?

I offer specials seasonally and express my gratitude with vouchers good for one free session. All referrals that lead to sessions are rewarded with two free sessions.

What if I really want to work with you but I can’t afford the regular price?

Let’s talk! I can’t make any promises but I’m in this field to help people and want to find ways to make this possible. I believe that we can always come to a suitable agreement.

My friend gave me a voucher for a free session. How do I redeem it?

Just let me know that you’d like to redeem a voucher when we schedule our first session. Please have the voucher number handy.


Can you prescribe medications?

No, I’m not a medical professional.

What if this isn’t working for me?

You are free to stop anytime. If you’ve pre-paid sessions in advance, we can discuss what reimbursement would look like in order for both of us to feel that the outcome is fair.

Will it be uncomfortable if I see you in public?

Not at all! If you would prefer not to be acknowledged in public, please make that known to me so that I may honor it. As previously mentioned, I will never disclose the nature of our sessions and will not allude to us working together. Disclosing the nature of our professional association is up to your discretion and I will always respect your privacy.

My friend is interested in booking a session with you. Do I have to worry about what you know about me?

No, I will treat you as separate entities. If I find that I am unable to do so, I will bow out gracefully.

I want to bring my partner to a session, is this ok?

I decide this on a case-by-case basis but as a general rule, I’d rather not. I provide couples counseling, which is fundamentally different, than having a partner drop in.

Do you work with children or minors?


Do you work with people who have mental disorders?

No. Nor am I trained or licensed to do so. I focus on your overall wellness.

Who are your peers?

I have a network of trusted licensed medical and mental health professionals that I’m able to check in with. Again, any information discussed with my peers is completely anonymous and no identifying details are ever shared.

Does anyone oversee how you conduct the sessions?

Yes. Additionally, I will check in regularly with you in order to provide the best experience.

Are you required to continue your education?

I am not held by any regulation, however, I’m committed to my ongoing education in all matters of psychology and I stay abreast of all the latest discoveries. I read peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and books regularly. I also attend workshops, seminars, and take online courses.

How do I know if I can trust you?

That’s something you will have to decide for yourself, the same way that I will when we meet. Our sessions are based on a mutual trust that should grow with time. Meanwhile, it is my hope that you were referred by someone you trust who has had a great experience working with me and that knowing this will bring you some peace of mind before we start.

What are your hours?

Currently, I conduct sessions Tuesdays through Fridays between 9:30am to 4:30pm.

Do you work on weekends or evenings?

I generally avoid working on weekends in order to be present with my family.

Where do we meet?

All sessions are conducted over video. We will use Zoom.

Can we meet by phone?

Only if we’ve already had a video session and have decided to proceed this way. I generally prefer not to if we haven’t been working together a long time because I feel that it compromises the sessions. I like to be as visually present with my clients as possible.

Are you affiliated with any organization?

I am not at this time.

I’m afraid that we run in similar circles and it might be awkward if I see you when I’ve been cutting loose or drinking.

I don’t hold anyone to unrealistic regards and would never judge you for cutting loose. I encourage you to enjoy yourself and trust you to be responsible as you see fit, free of intervention or judgment from me or anyone else.


Didn’t find the answer to your question? Feel free to call or send me an email. I’ll do my best to reply in a timely fashion.