
“Fabienne has been a HUGE help in my life. During Covid, my husband and I decided to move back to the US after 7 years abroad. I'm over 50 and my hubby is over 60 years old with no kids. This was not an easy task. I was leaving my whole Latin family behind. I had to overcome A LOT. My husband is disabled and can't work, so I had to find a job and all that comes with being independent. I know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Fabienne's support and guidance.

She is so insightful, caring, and objective. She showed me different perspectives and helps me pursue approaches that are not my go-to, easing my burdens! It's been a long ride. I'm established with a job and housing but still keep her in arms length. Life is too short to live in anxiety! Having someone to coach your decisions in an emotionally caring and objective way, has helped me grow as a person.

I no longer have weekly sessions, but we see each other on a monthly basis with the knowledge that if something comes up, we can go back to as many times as needed.”


“Fabienne is a keen listener, insightful, empathetic, wise. She is good at seeing through whatever cover stories you might be peddling, and pointing it out in a way that's easy to hear. :)”


“So grateful to have her in my corner -Fabienne has a unique ability to listen, connect and find helpful strategies to move towards a goal/dream. I appreciate how she has guided me in working with structure and space for exploration as I take my first steps. Change is inspiring and not overwhelming with her Dreaming Tree style.”


“Fabienne’s expertise in various aspects of life are reflected in her style of coaching which allows you to feel incredibly comfortable and immediately helps build a foundation for a working relationship that requires a lot of vulnerability from both sides. She possesses a deep understanding of personal development, goal setting, and overcoming obstacles but in realistic steps catered to your personal process. Her guidance and wisdom helped me gain clarity and develop a solid action plan to achieve my goals. I never felt judged or pressured, as she fostered an environment of trust and support throughout our sessions.

Her communication skills are outstanding. She actively listened, asked thought-provoking questions, and provided insightful feedback. Her ability to see through my self-imposed limitations and bring out the best in me is remarkable. I always felt heard and understood, which made our sessions immensely valuable. She is committed to growth and consistently went above and beyond to ensure I stayed on track. She provided resources, tools, and practical exercises tailored to my specific needs.

Not only was she focused on achieving external success but also emphasized the importance of holistic personal growth. She helped me cultivate self-compassion, self-care, and a healthy work-life balance. She taught me to celebrate my achievements, no matter how small, and encouraged me to embrace self-improvement as a lifelong journey. She also has an amazingly warm personality and great sense of humor which goes a long way when you’d rather give up and go back to your old habits! Her encouragement and motivation were instrumental in keeping me motivated even during challenging times.”


“Fab is a fantastic life coach. I met her when i was in my early 20s trying to navigate the adult world and also trying to figure out who i am as a person. A lot of times, like many aspect of life, work or personal you always seek for a third person point of view. My mindset started off that way and slowly but surely Fabienne offers a lot of tools that i can use and keep in my "tool box" to use in the future. I'm so glad to have someone like her in my life, professionally and personally.”


“Fabienne provides the safe heart-space one needs to mitigate misery by helping transform what is hurting to a place of self-exploration, understanding and growth.

After surviving the loss of my husband to suicide, I was shocked and completely lost. Feeling marginalized in stigmatized grief, as if trapped in an immense black cavern of complex, painful trauma, I desired a compassionate expert who could walk with me in that scary place while my eyes were still adjusting to what had happened and help identify signs to enlightenment.

In her empathetic style, Fabienne immediately established a refreshing, judgment-free zone. As she attentively listened to understand my pain with open curiosity, we started to unravel my suffering. She gave witness and validation to my grief, the exact essentials to begin the journey of integration.

With this creation of a trusting partnership, we were able to reclaim inner wisdom, supplying me with courage to traverse the inhospitable, uncomfortable ground of complicated grief and land on the path of rediscovery. Exploring my darkness, we plumbed insights that watered seeds of love that gave rise to the bud of hope.

Fabienne pointed out rays of light about my life, heart qualities and intrinsic values that started to unshackle me from the past so that I could begin to envision beyond the doomed prison walls of suicide loss and appreciate a horizon anew.

In the foreground, Fabienne is all about gentle intensive care, yet one can depend upon her solid background of experience and objective perceptivity. I hold her work in high esteem and it is with love and gratitude, she will always be dear to me!”


“Fabienne is so good! I've worked with several different therapists over the years and I'm happy to share that she is definitely top-notch.

One of the things that makes working with her such a great experience is that she truly listens and cares about what's going on in my life and wants to help. She often recommends some practical tools or resources and is also quite comfortable exploring deeper areas as I'm ready to do so.

I also appreciate that there is continuity between the sessions and she often references notes that she took previously to help connect things. I highly recommend Fabienne!”


“You have helped me get organized, helped me prioritize, and helped me strategize! I have grown my business in a sustainable way through implementing some of your suggestions. I am so grateful! Thank you so much! “



why work with me?

I’ve been helping individuals overcome challenges, have breakthroughs, and reach their potential for over 20 years.

It all started with becoming a manager for the first time in 2001. That fateful day sparked my passion for helping others and I’ve never looked back.

I’ve been reading psychology books for fun for as long as I can remember and have always been fascinated by the human mind and heart. I believe that when we can align our mind, bodies, and hearts, we hold the key to a more graceful and joyous journey.