The Healing Power of Touch

In times of grief and sorrow, the healing power of touch can soothe and comfort us. Whether through the embrace of a loved one, the comforting presence of a pet, or the skilled hands of a massage therapist, touch has the ability to calm our heavy hearts and remind us that we are not alone on our journey through grief. As we embrace the healing power of touch, may we find solace, strength, and renewal in its gentle embrace, guiding us towards healing, restoration, and ultimately, a brighter tomorrow.

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Shades of Silver

I love words. I love how choosing the right word can change our perception. Silver versus grey. Should versus want. The right words can help us reframe how we experience an event or a feeling. Why do some words have positive connotations, yet others that mean the same thing can sound so undesirable?

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Fabienne Jach
When life gives you lemons... hold video sessions!

Another phenomenon I’m experiencing in my community is the creativity behind staying connected. If we must stay physically apart from one another, how do we stay connected? FaceTime visits with friends and family have been my go-to. I’m seeing virtual hangouts appear, and while nothing replaces spending time face-to-face with friends and loved ones, this is a great way to remain connected.

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Fabienne Jach
Where did your New Year’s resolution go?

Do you ask yourself what went wrong? I can take a few guesses. Your plan didn’t accommodate real life. By that, I mean, it didn’t consider having to work late nights, having to care for a sick pet, child, or loved one. You didn’t expect to get that nasty bug everyone else got. You ran out of money to keep paying for that expensive membership.

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Fabienne Jach
What’s proper sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene consists of the practices you can put into place to help you better prepare for sleep. I discussed some findings stressing the importance of adequate sleep in the previous post. In this post I share tips to help you get a better night’s sleep.

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Fabienne Jach
Why is sleep so vital?

Last Monday night, I listened to 10% Happier with Dan Harris as he interviewed Dr. Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist who researches sleep—because sleep is also good for you.

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Fabienne Jach
Why Blog?

My intention with this blog is to share what I learn with you. I feel strongly about providing references so that if a topic is of interest to you, I’ve provided a starting point for your research. I will also likely be sharing opinion pieces and anecdotes.

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Fabienne Jach