Why Blog?

Out walking my sweet dog. ©2019 F. Jach

Out walking my sweet dog. ©2019 F. Jach

Blog posts are near and dear to me.

I maintained a style blog for years that was designed to empower people through stories and anectodes using style as the medium. Today, while I may no longer be as involved in the style community, I still very much care about helping everyone live their best lives.

My intention with this blog is to share what I learn with you. I feel strongly about providing references so that if a topic is of interest to you, I’ve provided a starting point for your research. I will also likely be sharing opinion pieces and anecdotes. No references are likely to be provided for these but feel free to send me an email at Fabienne@DreamingTreeLifeCoaching.com if you have a question. I like being able to provide evidence anytime that it’s helped me form an opinion.

I hope you find these posts interesting. I want to be able to create a community with you and stay connected.

In peace,

xo, f

Fabienne Jach