Why I Became a Life Coach and The Value of Referrals

I was on the trajectory of becoming a therapist when a series of events that were outside of my control occurred. One of them was the pandemic. The other was my school closure. I had been considering becoming a life coach while continuing to work on my education and waiting to become licensed as a therapist.

The summer before the pandemic was filled with social events. During those summer months, I had people come and talk to me about their big life events. I listened and held space for their process. It occurred to me then that there may be a demographic of people who wanted to work and talk to those they already trusted and knew. This is one of the advantages of being a life coach and not a therapist.

Time is our most valuable commodity, and when it’s at a premium, it can sometimes become a barrier for people getting the support they need to embark on their journey of healing. It’s been a recurring theme that my clients tell me they didn’t feel like they had to gamble because they already knew me, liked me, and trusted me.

I jumped at the opportunity to provide life coaching to friends, and friends of friends. It’s an honor when a friend has referred me to someone they know who could use support navigating grief, a loss, or some other kind of challenge or transition. Being able to help people allows me to be of service to the greater good in a way that I enjoy.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me!

Fabienne Jach